I introduce myself.
My name is Alessandro Scola, born in 1974 and I am the author of this blog.
Passionate about programming from a very young age.
After graduation, I immediately specialized in Web application development for the services and marketing sector.
Subsequently, I brought web technology to the industrial production sector, creating a factory MES, and various systems for collecting and exchanging data between the various worldwide offices of the group.
For three years I also carry out duties of production coordinator; this fundamental experience that taught me a lot about production management, the quality system and the management of procedures, the human motivational dynamics in the management of the work team, as well as in the creation of targeted and effective user interfaces. I was able to learn the usefulness of Kaizen methodologies in the approach to problem analysis.
As a freelancer I have collaborated with numerous web agencies and companies throughout the country.
I have created numerous web based management platforms for the most diverse purposes including:
- Factory MES, web based, with integration to PLC, MODBUS devices and automatic weighing and dosing systems
- work planning and production data collection system for companies in the field of tailor-made clothing production
- visual dashboards for KPI visualization, machine productivity, production reports, production process analysis, quality control charts, non-compliance generation
- staff leave / leave management software
- web real estate management software (including the creation of the www.case24.it management software)
- web management software for loans, financing, salary-backed loans
- created VBA macros in the industrial sector (interfacing with PLC via modbus)
- I created script-annunci.it: software to manage an ad portal.
My strengths are strong analysis and problem solving skills, determination, passion for my work, ability to develop complex web applications without the need to use third-party frameworks.
Passionate about marketing and social psychology applied to sales techniques.
I currently hold the role of Chief Information Officer (CIO) in a manufacturing company in the province of Belluno.
In this blog I share some of my projects and experiences, hoping they will be useful to you.
I wish you happy reading.